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Comment count is 7
Binro the Heretic - 2024-09-12

He was already President for 4 years and didn't do shit. You think he's going to do anything different the second time around?

Anyway, capitalism is at the root of all those problems. Until you find an anti-capitalist politician, nothing will change.

Cena_mark - 2024-09-13

Sure his views are silly, but I was submitting this more on the basis on his ineptitude of writing rap lyrics. I have never heard such awkward rhymes and flow.

Aernaroth2 - 2024-09-27

I think my favorite part is the one hook that gets used at the end of like every 'bar' that is slightly louder than the rest of the backing track.

Cena_mark - 2024-09-12

Derek took down the other video I posted due to it recieving negative feedback. He posted it the day of the Apalachee school shooting asking for money to produce Cool Cat Stops a School Shooting. He discusses how the film will stop school shootings and that he wants John Travolta and Justin Bieber to star in it. He even acts out how he wants John Travolta to play the principal and strut through the school hallways like he strutted through the streets of Brooklyn in Saturday Night Fever.

Robin Kestrel - 2024-09-13

Less cringy than all the other “white rappers for Trump” videos I’ve been sent.

exy - 2024-09-13

First thought: this guy thought, "hey, I found a way to get prreeeettty close to blackface!"

Second thought: damn, Daniel Songer, go back to the jokes!

Third thought: this man is really raising/lowering the bar for arrhythmic whiteness

ashtar. - 2024-09-14

It's remarkable how every crank seems to love Trump.

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