Adjuvant - 2024-09-04
Next request: can they clean up the resubmit hopper? There's a lot of very old and unfixable chaff in there.
Sludge Vohaul - 2024-09-07 The user base could fix that themselves. I attempted to rally on this last year. To everyone's credit the resub hopper is about half as long as it used to be.
...But I think much like my hall closet there's always gonna be some stuff in there that you just kinda shrug at and close the door.
The Mothership - 2024-09-04
Thanks, BiggerJ
casualcollapse - 2024-09-05
The website still gives me a cloudflare error. Too much
BiggerJ - 2024-09-07 Hasn't been happening to me since I told support about it.
Jeriko-1 - 2024-09-06
If you have their ear can you ask them if users can stay signed in? Though I recall reading something here about that problem being 'really baked in and impossible to fix easily'
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