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Comment count is 6
Binro the Heretic - 2024-09-02

I hope the current generation of youth don't become selfish assholes.

Robin Kestrel - 2024-09-03

To paraphrase Carlin, I’ve noticed that anyone younger than me is an idiot, and anyone older than me is an asshole.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-09-07

I think I'm probably older than you, but, in my own defense, I consider myself more of an idiot than an asshole.

Kudos to Adam Conover for bringing some important information and perspectives to the public, with the handicap of the most punchable face on YouTube, outside of a few right wing influenzas like Tim Poole and Logan Paul.

Adam Conover's hair makes me angry.

SolRo - 2024-09-03

The Zionists have bought out the American government and most seats of power in the country

Nominal - 2024-09-06

America HATES this one simple trick!

ashtar. - 2024-09-06

When I was an adjunct, I added up the total that students paid for my class, and subtracted what I got paid for teaching that class. About two students' fee was about a month of my pay. 60+ students. Quite a gap, considering that the whole class was just "listen to ashtar. stand in a room and ramble about Aristotle."

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