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Comment count is 6
Accidie - 2024-08-27

oh great, another video about video games. but this is one where it's also a guy talking to himself in shot 2 shot.

ashtar. - 2024-08-27

It's a video about a movie about a video game.

The video is ok. But it is kind of amazing that this movie got made with the cast it has, so four stars.

Gmork - 2024-08-27

I liked the RLM take on this.

Nominal - 2024-08-28

Why THREE actors 20 years too old for the part?

Why $100 million?

Why Eli Roth?

Why 10 years after anyone gave a shit about this franchise?

What's next, $200 million for a Destiny series on Apple+ ?

duck&cover - 2024-08-29

Shhh, don't give them any ideas.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-09-01

Nobody tell them about "Planescape: Torment."

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