Nominal - 2024-08-22
I'll owe 4 stars if it turns out you submitted this kook"s video ironically.
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2024-08-22 Yeah, what the hell is this Lef? Did you FPP this crap on here?
"The most hated man in England" yeah by absolute loonies (The English equivalent of maga) who are burning stuff and being violent cus they didnt get their infantile way.
Crackersmack - 2024-08-23 what they did to Corbyn seems even more insane in context with current events
Mister Yuck - 2024-08-22
I mean, fuck Starmer and fuck New Labor but not for any of the reasons you think.
Cena_mark - 2024-08-23
For all the bluster Americans make of freedoms I could not imagine anyone in the states wrestling with a secret service agent like this. The secret service would have them cuffed with their head cracked open and on the no fly list in the blink of an eye. On the other hand, fuck these Brexit twats and the racist far right who were rioting.
Crackersmack - 2024-08-23 "if you don't want your employer to fill your job with people they import from Poland and Romania to undermine the unions and guilds that have enabled generations of working class people to earn a respectable living in your country then you are racist"
Americans being propagandized against Brexit is the funniest and most bizarre thing
Cena_mark - 2024-08-23 Yeah yeah, it's the UK's way of saying "DEY TOOK ER JERBS!"
Cena_mark - 2024-08-23 Brexit was incredibly moronic and you're just regurgitating Sky News bullshit to try to justify it. Funny how you try to say those riots weren't racist. DEY TURK ER JORBS!!!
casualcollapse - 2024-08-23 CS what do You want to do with these people?
Crackersmack - 2024-08-23 I guess I must be wrong to assume that streamlining immigration between a high income country and surrounding low income countries being intended to drive down wages and increase corporate profits. Western liberal governments would never do something that only benefits a small class of wealthy business owners and investors over the basic needs of the majority of people. Clearly this immigration policy is made out of a desire to help people and opposition to it can only be racism.
Or maybe the EU was a mistake, and it's entire reason for existing is to do exactly what it did to England; undermine the ability of working class people to negotiate for fair wages and benefits.
SolRo - 2024-08-23 Funny thing about ‘dem coloreds stealing our good union jobs’ is that I don’t see a lot of illiterate Mexicans taking over union jobs in the states.
It’s the ‘good white rich “job creators”’ shipping to work out of the country directly instead of worrying about immigrant labor.
Crackersmack - 2024-08-23 Yeah the working class is getting fucked on both ends, on your ballot you can choose policy that literally encourages your employer with tax incentives to move your job overseas for shareholder benefit, or you can choose policy that allows unrestricted importation of a permanent underclass of workers that don't just do menial labor but also are starting to take skilled jobs too. There are factories that I have been to that have manufacturing floors staffed entirely with Mexican/South American workers and engineering offices staffed with Indians brought in on H1B visas that have masters degrees and work for $40k a year.
Cena_mark - 2024-08-23 Crackersmack thinks your typical Chav would be a master electrician if not for immigrants. Face it, it's Thatcherism. Just like Reaganomics fucked the American worker, Thatcherism fucked the Brits and now the racist demagogues are blaming immigrants, just as Trumpism rose up from that frustration.
Crackersmack - 2024-08-23 No, I think that immigration policy shouldn't undermine the ability of citizens to earn a living, and that the majority's material needs should take precedence over the profit drive of a small group of powerful malefactors.
And I think that only total fucking retards would look at EU or US immigration policy and say to themselves "well clearly this is about what is best for these poor downtrodden people because our governments care soooo much about them, and has nothing to do with business tyrants demanding a captive population of low-wage workers without any rights"
Crackersmack - 2024-08-23 You can say these people are racist and you would be correct in a lot of cases, but you are also just not presenting any alternative argument to them. They hear the racist explanation for their predicament from racists, and then when they look for other explanations they get the dumbest, most dishonest shit possible from liberals.
Your neighbors and relatives aren't stupid, they can see with their own eyes that the entire construction industry is now immigrants. The entire agricultural industry is now immigrants. Most of manufacturing outside of management is immigrants. These are jobs that used to be filled by Americans, and if there weren't enough qualified people then the employers would have to train them, sponsor schools, etc.. I went to a machining program at a trade school for my earliest post-high school education that was 100% tuition free, because it was covered by a group of local manufacturers to ensure there was a population of skilled machinists locally to draw from. Because there was not the option to just bring in trained people from some other country that would be willing to work for $5 an hour. Now there is, and that school doesn't exist any more. Not a coincidence.
Cena_mark - 2024-08-23 Brexit cost england 2 million jobs and made the UK economy shrink by 150 million pounds. It was a stupid decision.
teethsalad - 2024-08-24 lol good lord crackersmack is a brexiteer
Crackersmack - 2024-08-24 There have been no natural consequences of Brexit, only 'punishment' from other EU governments that are angry that the veneer is peeling up on their plan to turn Europe into America, where workers have no negotiating power at all and only 10% of workers are in unions (and half of those are basically fake).
Yes if I lived there I would have voted for Brexit. I don't think the biggest problem facing western liberal democracies is that the lower classes earn too much. If you disagree and you don't own a company that employs a lot of people then you are just a rube, full stop.
Cena_mark - 2024-08-24 That's not "Punishment" they knew the benefits of being in the EU and they rejected it. They do not the trade benefits of being in the EU anymore plain and simple.
You're such a mark. Do you really think elites like Boris Johnson pushed Brexit for the working people? Do you really think this astroturfed rubbish was for the union-men? You Tory twat!
Sludge Vohaul - 2024-08-24
The Empire on which it no longer matters whether the sun rises.
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