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Comment count is 40
Anaxagoras - 2024-08-27

I have watched this clip an embarrassing number of times, and it makes me giggle every goddamn time.

TeenerTot - 2024-08-28


The Mothership - 2024-08-28

It keeps getting funnier every time you see it!

Quad9Damage - 2024-08-28

Comments turned off. lol.

ashtar. - 2024-08-28

https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/24/over-20000-children-burie d-trapped-detained-lost-amid-gaza-war-report

ashtar. - 2024-08-28

“It is nearly impossible to collect and verify information under the current conditions in Gaza,” the group said, “but at least 17,000 children are believed to be unaccompanied and separated and approximately 4,000 children are likely missing under the rubble, with an unknown number also in mass graves”.

Israel has killed more than 14,000 children in Gaza since October 7, while others are suffering from severe malnutrition and do not “even have the energy to cry”, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), said in a report earlier this year.

ashtar. - 2024-08-28


ashtar. - 2024-08-28


ashtar. - 2024-08-28


Quad9Damage - 2024-08-28

You're right, we should vote for the other guy.

Quad9Damage - 2024-08-28

You will either be voting for a President who supports Israel, or a President who supports Israel, but his followers believe the Jews are weaponizing pornography to instigate a Luciferian New World Order. You might as well just enjoy Lil John screaming at a rally. The alternative is a boring talking head raising his eyebrow and going, "And our government is going to be SCREAMING BLACK MEN a-and VICE PRESIDENTS WHO LIKE VIDEO GAMES." Also, unlike a bunch of horrible shit we can do piss all about 6,000 miles away, Project 2025 will directly affect you, and everyone around you that you care about. Turn down for what.

Crackersmack - 2024-08-28

"Don't even think about the mass murder of civilians that your government is perpetrating as we speak, ignore the images of decapitated and mutilated children, ignore the videos of gang rape of prisoners, don't ask the people that you are voting for why they would continue to arm Israel in violation of our own federal laws. Instead you should be panicking about having to verify that you are 18 before opening a Pornhub account"

It's actually really hard to parody liberalism at this point, that's how ridiculous you people's beliefs are.

Crackersmack - 2024-08-28


Cena_mark - 2024-08-28

Kamala is the good guy, Trump is the bad guy. Plain and simple.

teethsalad - 2024-08-28

fart noise

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-08-29

LOL! Suck my crack, Dickersmack!

Crackersmack - 2024-08-29

how many dead Palestinian children is too many to avoid having to potentially make three extra mouse clicks before you jerk off?

Quad9Damage - 2024-08-29

This thread needs a smile and a thumbs up at Arlington National Cemetery.

Quad9Damage - 2024-08-29

Well, I don't agree with the PornHub killing policy. But I do agree with the Department of Education killing policy!

Crackersmack - 2024-08-29

oh do Democrats support public education now? wouldn't be able to tell with all the voucher bullshit including in Minnesota

teethsalad - 2024-08-29

eyyyyy fuck your crocodile tears boatboy

really enjoying all the weird sexual paranoia you're dropping in every post

Crackersmack - 2024-08-29

wait who was it that said that voting for the genocide was necessary in order to avoid future porn restrictions, was that me

ashtar. - 2024-08-29

People cheering for someone responsible for 14,000 dead children is a good example of how the Democratic party's function is to make fascism incrementally more palatable.

In 2036, you will be cheering for a Democrat more brutal and further right than Trump 2024, and you'll be congratulating yourself on being one of the good people.

Cena_mark - 2024-08-30

No one is cheering forbdead Palestinians, they're cheering for the nominees. Stop trying to make everything about Palestine.

Cena_mark - 2024-08-30

All this handwringing is the most unconstructive nonsense. The pro-Palistinian movement has gained momentum and empathy for Palestinians is more mainstream than ever. HOWEVER, it still appears fringe to many voters. We're dealing with 70 years of propaganda here. So lay off Kamala and the Dems. They have an election to win. A Trump win would be a disaster for the Palestinian people and stop pretending like you don't know that. I know you wish they could do more, but again, 70s of propaganda and a status quo foreign policy are challenging to change. Symbolic 3rd party votes won't do shit for anybody. Be pragmatic.

casualcollapse - 2024-08-30

Ash. You really can’t read the room can you , this is for a joyous celebration of nominations not for you to show your statistics about Gaza

You’re approaching this like show and tell

Quad9Damage - 2024-08-30

"oh do Democrats support public education now? wouldn't be able to tell with all the voucher bullshit including in Minnesota"

Do Republicans?

"Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Depart-
ment of Education should be eliminated. When power is exercised, it should
empower students and families, not government. In our pluralistic society, fami-
lies and students should be free to choose from a diverse set of school options and
learning environments that best fit their needs. Our postsecondary institutions
should also reflect such diversity, with room for not only “traditional” liberal arts
colleges and research universities but also faith-based institutions, career schools,
military academies, and lifelong learning programs."

Quad9Damage - 2024-08-30

The fun begins on page 319 and runs all the way to page 362.

Quad9Damage - 2024-08-30

Also I was not talking about eliminating porn, although the document does bring up banning that. I was making a reference to the QAnon et al chan shitposters who connect Jews to clandestine subliminal attacks on Western children. Something about diluting gentile morals with tits or something. Ironically, though, their God Emperor would still ensure the IDF has enough missiles to level every last refugee camp that is left.

ashtar. - 2024-08-30

"this is for a joyous celebration"

https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/baby-gaza-saved-womb -mother-killed-israeli-strike-2024-04-21/

It's time, motherfuckers!
It's time to get motherfucking crunk!
If you didn't come to get crunk, get the fuck out the club!
If you came to get crunk, put your fucking hands up!
Let's do it!

Can I get a yeah? (yeah!)
Can I get a yeah? (yeah!)
Can I get a what? (what?)
Can I get a what? (what?)
Well let me get an okay! (okay!)
Crunk rock!

January von Rodeo - 2024-08-31

You guys getting ever more desperate in your fingerpointing while parading these peoples suffering in hopes that others will by inaction usher in an even darker timeline is honestly the most heinous thing I have seen on this site

ashtar. - 2024-09-01

I really don't know how to communicate that a big celebrity party celebrating someone providing the bombs used to bury children alive should disgust you.

I'm more amenable to the lesser evil argument than the position I often take for rhetorical purposes here, but fuck, man, if that's your argument you should at least have the decency to not be happy about the sophie's choice situation.

Quad9Damage - 2024-09-01

The best answer I can give is that it's nothing new. Every one of us here has lived an entire lifetime of compartmentalizing and doublethink. I had a happy, privileged, upper-middle class childhood, with two parents who stayed together. During that time, children starved to death in war-torn shitholes. Trapped people burned to death in a compound fire the government might've had a hand in. Two teenage edgelords went on a shooting rampage at their high school. Trapped people burned to death when planes slammed into the buildings. I watched a President coming up with excuse after excuse for invading a country that had nothing to do with it. Every day there were murders and rapes and wars and genocides. Humanity had chance after chance to improve, but it kept saying, "nah, I'm just gonna keep raping and murdering and exterminating."

I can't speak for all of us, but I'm going to assume that we've all, at one point, stopped whatever we were doing and thought, "You know, the world is actually a really shitty place; right now, while I'm laughing with my friends, something terrible is happening to someone else." And what did you do? You pondered it a bit more and, strange as it is, moved on. Because it's a matter of survival. If we didn't have this almost sociopathic ability to push away the awfulness of our reality, we would all drop dead of misery.

So you vote for the candidate who will turn a blind eye to fucked up shit happening, because it's where the oil and the entrypoint from the sea is. Or you vote for the candidate who will make shit far worse over there while he empowers miserable, miserable polices over here. And you laugh with your friends, and you listen to the Black guy scream about sex.

January von Rodeo - 2024-09-02

They won't be satisfied without nonstop shirt rending and crying blood, but most importantly not voting so the wolves and cretins can be overthrown in favor of unattenuated death cult with less opposition

ashtar. - 2024-09-02

Q9: thanks for that. I don't disagree, and we've turned a blind eye to overseas atrocities for a long time. And, honestly, what are you supposed to do about it?

But, I do feel like Gaza different: too blatant and too egregious. We did bad stuff in Iraq, but wasn't every single day and on everyone's phone. I feel like we've crossed a threshold where our leaders publicly said "fuck you" to human rights as a concept and didn't suffer significant political consequences. I'm really terrified of what that means for the future.

But, I don't know. I do not have any productive courses of individual action here.

garcet71283 - 2024-09-06


Jeriko-1 - 2024-08-30

You know the other guy would be supplying Israel with TRUMP brand nerve gas shells to use on em, right? He'd be for wiping them out entirely. And then when people took to the streets in outrage he'd have them gunned down in droves. And yes, his circle has discussed a similar scenario albeit about Jan 6. I believe a player at the table scoffed "Let's go Kent State on the bastards."

So yes, Trump being elected would not lead to some glorious uprising. In fact such an uprising would be doing him a favor. Instead of some feel good ending where statues of Trump are being pulled down... You all die in a hail of bullets. Then he would have a distilled product he seeks: THE FEAR(tm). Everybody would see what happened to those people. That example. And THE FEAR(tm) would mean he wouldn't even have to send shaved gorillas out to brutalize people after a certain point. They'd start policing each other because 'I have a family, damn it!' to make sure no danged fool opened his mouth too wide to invoke the collective punishment bonk stick.

That's how a McMafia works and once it's in place it's there forever. Generations are conditioned from birth to keep their heads down and their mouths shut. For example the Russian people are just wretched, broken zombies at this point. They'll never be free. Even if Putin and his inner circle gets beamed away by Kang and Kodos for their 'Asshole Farm', that system will be engrained in the people's heads that they are slaves now and forever.

Jeriko-1 - 2024-08-30

In other words, Mr. Smack is the reason there should be telethons to GIVE people cancer. Sorry, I won't hold back on this schmuck.

SolRo - 2024-09-01

Just FYI Russians are able to freely travel out of Russia

Not a very effective policy for keeping “slaves”

Quad9Damage - 2024-09-06

But the people who oppose Pootie too much keep having accidents.

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