Cena_mark - 2024-08-18
A great piece of Christory right here. Most of the stuff beyond Christine's transition has been pretty boring. I hate how she rants on and on about the merge, but this is good stuff.
yogarfield - 2024-08-18
Half a star for this loser, and his loser stalkers that don't realize they're just as pathetic as them can divvy up the other half among themselves.
Seriously, let it go.
Cena_mark - 2024-08-19 Did you see that video where she's fucking a blow up doll and shouting, "Julie, Julay, JUUUUULLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!"? It was hilarious. It'll show you why the CWC journey is worth following.
yogarfield - 2024-08-19 Sounds like a real laugh riot.
yogarfield - 2024-08-19 IF CC hadn't beaten this horse to death a decade ago. Everyone knows about them, and if you still find it interesting.. that's on the viewer.
Cena_mark - 2024-08-19 You can say the CWC stalkers are equally as pathetic, but you damn well you're wrong. No one is as pathetic as CWC. Did you know that Liquid Chris is now a medical doctor and cancer researcher? But I guess he's just as pathetic as CWC because he trolled him.
yogarfield - 2024-08-20 Nah, Chris/Chrissie is horrible and abhorrent. He's propped up by a legion of failchilds, because CWC make themselves feel good about themselves.
CWC show jumped the shark about a decade ago, and anybody that still gives a fuck about it hasn't grown up.
Cena_mark - 2024-08-20 CWC is like the Simpsons. Sure it jumped the shark, but every now and then they do something funny and the classics are always good comfort viewing.
yogarfield - 2024-08-20 Well now you just sound crazy.
Cena_mark - 2024-08-20 Maybe to a stick in the mud.
yogarfield - 2024-08-21 I'm trying to process how that could possibly be an insult directed at me. CWC is insane.. but so are his fantrolls to the point where it's all just insanely boring.
Also don't call me a stick in the mud, CWC might try to fuck me while screaming "HOW NOW BROWN COW".
Sputum - 2024-08-19
i was never sure of how much cwc believed their own crazy bullshit, especially when they started on the second-coming/dimensional-merge nonsense. spouting off to these cops, i assume unaware of the body cams, suggests chrischan really is that delusional
Anaxagoras - 2024-08-19
Yeah, she seems to believe her nonsense. I don't know if it's willful delusion, stupidity, mental illness, or a little bit of all 3, but it definitely seems to be sincere.
I kinda agree with yogarfield... the whole thing is sad more than anything else. But it's a self-inflicted sadness in many ways, so... Chris-Chan got what she deserved? Does anybody deserve what happened to her? I... I just don't know.
I will say that gawping at her seems in poor taste, although I can't quite articulate why. You might argue that it's because she's so far gone, but... she did it to herself, and she's genuinely a shitty person.
Again, I don't fucking know.
Sputum - 2024-08-19 it's a catch 22 because the question "is it okay to be interested in chrischan" is, in itself, interesting
ashtar. - 2024-08-23 I feel like this is a modern, banal, internet equivalent of the Lovecraftian cosmic revelation that drives people mad. The more you know/care about CWC, the worse off you are.
yogarfield - 2024-08-28 @ash I can totally see his trolls mistaking Lovecraft for an actual writer, and eschewing his general.. incel hatevibes.
Crackersmack - 2024-08-19
this doesn't end until he kills Barb and/or himself and tbh I think everybody really will drop it at that point
Cena_mark - 2024-08-19 This place has always been wrong about CWC. You guys were saying the lulz were all tapped out back in 2009. Some of you were even fooled by the Rollin' and Trollin' video. The incest case made the CWC following bigger than ever. It alerted the normies to his presence. More serious crimes would have an even greater mainstreaming effect.
Crackersmack - 2024-08-19 there will be a movie at one point but it will be condensed down to 90 minutes and get a lot of stuff wrong. Lowtax will be played by Paul Rudd
Accidie - 2024-08-19
Chris Chan and the online following represent the strangeness and sickness of online culture. It's a saga that, like a lot of us, grew up parallel with the internet-
and like a lot of us, has been driven insane in previously unimaginable ways.
prang - 2024-08-23
It'd be hypocritical to say "mentally ill people aren't our entertainment" on Portal of fucking Evil, but jeesus this is the whole reason PoE Red had the whole prime directive thing. Something about taking someone who is already struggling with life and deliberately driving them more and more insane in such a public way for laughs is pretty fucking despicable. Deplorable as she may be, CWC is a human being.
ashtar. - 2024-08-23
I mean, I'm in the "this is just sad and better not to pay attention to" camp, but deputies dealing with Chris and the Trolls is pretty funny.
ashtar. - 2024-08-25 https://ghostpatch.com/products/ticket-to-the-best-show-on-earth-c oin
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