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Comment count is 15
IrishWhiskey - 2024-08-26

The humor and effort put into this are way higher than the special deserves.

I didn't expect to feel so much pity for Rogan watching this.

Nominal - 2024-08-26

Do Seinfeld and Gallagher next.

IrishWhiskey - 2024-08-26

He already did one for Seinfeld.


Cena_mark - 2024-08-26

He'd be nothing without Larry David.

Nominal - 2024-08-26

Why didn't David pick a comedian less shitty than self parody?

Why did he have to bring him back for the Curb finale?

Crackersmack - 2024-08-26

not sure which is worse; watching a Joe Rogan comedy special or watching a 40 minute video about a Joe Rogan comedy special

Binro the Heretic - 2024-08-26

I think hosting "fear Factor" broke Rogan's brain.

How could someone preside over a horse rectum eating contest and not come out with a lower opinion of humanity in general?

casualcollapse - 2024-08-27

I’m gonna bleet him that

SolRo - 2024-08-27

I can see that

Now wouldn’t be surprised if he’s eventually found to be MCing human hunting competitions for the ultra rich

Anaxagoras - 2024-08-27

At 3:45 he brags about being able to touch type?

That's... that's next level stupid. No wonder he's a Trump fan.

OxygenThief - 2024-08-27

he couldn't be in front of crowd that was more willing to bray and honk at whatever he said and he still ate shit so hard

Anaxagoras - 2024-08-27

OK.... that was 36 minutes well spent. This youtuber is kinda awesome.

Quad9Damage - 2024-08-30

This won't be reading the room entirely right, but I miss the early days of the Podcast. Rogan shooting the shit with Redban, and Bill Burr or Duncan Trussell occasionally dropping in. I liked when it was just guys sitting around talking. The beginning of the end was when he fired Brian. Ever since Rogan moved to Texas, you only ever hear about him when he makes headlines about his stupid horse medicine, or when his guest is an unhinged Canadian motormouth.

Anaxagoras - 2024-09-03

No, I'm with you on this. I think he was a genuinely good interviewer earlier in his career, able to draw out interesting conversations with a wide variety of guests. Granted, the conversations sometimes had a ridiculous amount of woo-woo & ignorance sometimes, but you took the good with the bad. Somewhere along the line, however, his podcast went to shit. And by "somewhere along the line", I mean "well before he moved to Texas".

His stand-up comedy, however, has always been terrible. Jesus Christ he's unfunny.

Slumgullion - 2024-08-31

14:30 *snicker*

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