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Comment count is 10
The Mothership - 2024-08-23

Minus the mounted machine gun, encountering this is my commute every day in Silicon Valley.

TeenerTot - 2024-08-23

Do you think they'll post the vids of themselves stuck in the mud out of juice, hundreds of miles from combat?

garcet71283 - 2024-08-27

No, because they will be stuck in the mud out of juice in the middle of combat

decoy - 2024-08-23

A guy down the block from me who works for Tesla has one of these abominations (minus the weapons loadout) - absolute hot garbage on wheels. The fit and finish is embarrassingly crude - panels all noticeably misaligned, small spots of rust and metal burring everywhere - not to mention that it's an utter fingerprint magnet. Reminds me very much of an entry into one of those grad school STEM innovation competitions that didn't get any prizes.

Nominal - 2024-08-24

Shoddy body fitting that quickly comes loose seems to be a staple of all Teslas. Focus on things people notice during the test drive like pickup and speed, skimp on things they won't notice later like rust and peeling. Let dumbass techbro hype carry the rest.

Anyone who buys one of these needs their taxes raised.

betamaxed - 2024-08-24

Jokes on them. Just firing the gun attached to that rhodesian incel wagon will likely snap the cheap aluminum and plastic frame from the force alone

jfcaron_ca - 2024-08-24

Stars for "rhodesian incel wagon"

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-08-24

Fuck this guy, and also fuck that other guy, etc.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-08-26

Maybe they'll send an assassin as revenge.

garcet71283 - 2024-08-27

Coming to a Kojima game near you!

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