yogarfield - 2024-08-19
When I was a kid, my dad's way of putting me to bed was to lecture me about the differences between exponential and linear scales, then have me start reciting the Fibonacci Sequence as he turned off the light.
I was 5. Joke's on him, because I hate math. I failed my Trig classes on purpose because I wanted to disqualify myself for AP classes.
yogarfield - 2024-08-20 For me it was a classic case of leading a a horse to water, because a stubborn horse won't drink out of spite. I had to learn this shit as a child, so "Fuck you, I'm studying philosophy!"
sad lol.
Nominal - 2024-08-20
I laughed out loud when the top recommendation to something about an impossibly large number was a Simply Sara video.
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2024-08-25
I was ready to give out that he was using matlab or python or something, but he seems to be using C++ .. Which is acceptable.
He *really* should have written this in assembly tho.
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