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Comment count is 6
SolRo - 2024-07-21

I still support G-Gundam’s solution to international relations via tournaments of kinda racist themed mecha

Nominal - 2024-07-22

Battlebots was awesome for the very first pay per view event they offered. The robots kicked ass and destroyed each other. One was made of pure buzzsaws. Another was this giant spider built by a professional special effects robotics guy, that wrapped itself around stuff and crushed it.

Soon after that it settled into the rut of wedge robots that plagues it to this day. Every robot is just a wedge, or a flipping wedge. Most efficient design. Most boring.

ashtar. - 2024-07-22

100% yes. Kind of like how all the fun fancy kung-fu stuff doesn't really work in MMA and it's usually evolves into the same ground stuff pretty quick.

Mother Lumper - 2024-07-22

This result is applicable to everything it seems. When a game exists long enough it is ruined by hyper-autists narrowing down the variety of playstyles into brutal, dull efficiency. Chess being an obvious example but you see it expressed elsewhere like every season of Magic the Gathering where a 'meta' quickly emerges that squeezes out any other strategy.

Now we're seeing it with algorithmic content generation in aggregation of every piece of media ever uploaded to the internet. I have nothing to offer as a reasonable solution to this phenomenon which chokes out the beauty of variety because I think it would involve wiping out most of the human population or at least large scale networks of communication.

Nominal - 2024-07-25

Same exact thing happened with the start of MMA. The very first UFC was marketed as a mix of varying martial arts masters. A real life blood sport. Jesus christ, one of the guy's was even a professional boxer who stepped into the arena with a boxing glove on one hand!

Seanbaby's podcast had an excellent episode going into the entire thing. Basically, thousands of years of martial arts myths were destroyed in a single night during the first UFC. Everyone quickly found out "Oh, kickboxing with a BJJ ground game is all that really works."

The Mothership - 2024-07-23

He's not wrong.

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