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Comment count is 6
ashtar. - 2024-06-20

Oh, this is fun. Some people don't remember being young.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2024-06-20

awful execution. Could have at least thrown in a joke about how you'll occasionally have to switch to room N+1 every time an infinite number of buses containing an infinite number of guests show up.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2024-06-20

wait, that's wrong, that only works if you have an countably infinite number of new guests, you need a different method for the aforementioned problem

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-06-20

Only 2 and a half stars, according to YELP.

Nominal - 2024-06-20

Maybe I'm missing some deep statement on the paradox.

But this comes off like an unclever knockoff of 15 year old lol random youtube stuff like "Pick up the Phone".


casualcollapse - 2024-06-21

If there's an infinite number of people not getting their food that means there are an infinite number of people getting their food which makes this seem like zeno's paradox where all just averages to you will get your food in a normal amount of time

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