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Comment count is 8
Nominal - 2024-04-15

Backstory? Citation?

I can't recall much about him other than the name and vague memories of him being one of the typical unpleasant, possibly unhinged weirdos like Slagathor, King Prawn, Frostilicious, and nocash.

Jeriko-1 - 2024-04-16

He did an op-ed for SomethingAwful titled 'the Art of Trolling' because he considered himself the World's Best Troll. The face is identical if you add a hard 20 years. Both from Texas. (The guy always looked like somebody ordered Count Dracula from Castlevania from Wish.) But I didn't do the whole 'pointing to strings on the pushpin board' until I a read one of his tweets making fun of a man he tortured for going back to the front after being released and losing his legs. I will try and find that tweet.

Bort - 2024-04-16

A looooonng time ago (probably 20 years ago), stationary tornado told me his birthday was December 8 (I'm about 80% on that). If this Russell Bentley's birthday is likewise December 8, that'd go a long way to confirming it's the same person.

Yet another example of what happens when you get sucked into a The Cause and lose your grounding in human decency. Like, if you feel comfortable with seeing the other guy as less than human and their life as worth nothing, you're probably on your way to a tragic news story.

Bort - 2024-04-16

... might've been February 20. One of the two dates, I'm reasonably sure.

duck&cover - 2024-04-16

Died doing what he loved.

Rafiki - 2024-04-17

Hmm...Wikipedia says this guy was in his 60s, which would have put him in his 40s 20 years ago. He seems too old. Plus, he ran for the Senate in the 90s.

Wasn't stationary tornado the guy at 0:32 and 1:28 in this video:


That's what people were claiming when it was originally submitted here:


casualcollapse - 2024-04-21

So this isn’t the guy that was mistook for NATO ,sodomized and murdered??


casualcollapse - 2024-04-21


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