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Sludge Vohaul - 2023-12-16

The theme song to sick days in grade school.

I keep waiting for Mike Patton to start singing over this.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-12-16

This drifted through my head as I lay awake after hitting the snooze button.

And then it stayed with me for two weeks.

I couldn't remember where I'd heard it. For a while, I thought it was the piano theme from "Love Story" but I was able to look that up.

For some reason, it also conjured images of blue roses.

I finally decided it was a soap opera theme. I tried looking up soap operas with blue roses in the opening credits, but that didn't work out. So I tried searching all soap opera opening themes from the 1970s & 1980s and finally found this.

Then I remembered the association with blue roses. My paternal grandmother would often babysit me when I was little. Mom didn't watch this particular soap, but Maw-maw did.

I recalled laying down on the living room sofa for a nap while Maw-maw pulled the curtains. She'd had sheer white drapes to give some privacy while still letting in light, and over those, she had thick curtains with a dense blue rose print. These she would pull to reduce the light coming into the room.

I now have distinct memories of drifting off to sleep seeing Maw-maw's silhouette against dimly glowing blue roses and hearing this song play.

I love this score. It's somehow melancholy and uplifting at the same time.

Crunchy Frog - 2023-12-16

Wow! This hit #8 on the Hot 100. It won a Grammy for Best Instrumental Arrangement. And it was sampled extensively in the song No More Drama by Mary J. Blige (#15 in 2001).

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