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Comment count is 11
Nominal - 2023-07-26

If celebrities die in pairs, then hopefully Mitch McConnell's stroke today will be it!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-27

Yes, and then they get to be roommates.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-07-26

I remember Joe Pesci threatening to physically assault her when he hosted the following week.

I've thought much less of him ever since.

exy - 2023-07-26

So much backlash for that!

It's not like I put on Sinead O'Connor records in my daily life, but this still feels like a loss for the world.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-26

Miley Cyrus shed a tear in exteme close-up in her overhyped, underrated Wrecking Ball video. It was an obvious homage to an iconic moment from Sinead's most famous video from the 80s. Sinead responded with ugly online slut shaming, just horrible stuff, like maybe she was drunk, with conservative housewives actually piling on with her.

Now, im gonna explain this once, and let Crackersmack take the floor with his patented Oscar Wilde jibberjabber about "JHMs spank bank",because that's the REAL reason why we all come here.

Miley Cyrus, naked, sitting on a Wrecking ball, is certainly about sexuality, but it's also about vulnerability. She's an object of destruction that feels pain as she destroys. That's a stunning metaphor for toxic relationships, and, of course, an arresting image.

Lost on Sinead O'Connor. Those first two albums were wonderful. I couldnt get enough of "Mandinka", but, as fas I know, the woman was a hot mess.

So she died? I'm guessing from the context.

Cena_mark - 2023-07-27

She did, and the tragic thing about all the backlash she recieved is that she was right all along. She was talking about this sort of thing long before the Boston Globe.

Anaxagoras - 2023-07-27

Well, she was right about her anti-Catholic thing, but she was wrong about a whole host of other things.

JHM is right in describing her as a hot mess. It doesn't justify the misogynistic bullshit she had to endure, but there we are.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-27

To anyone watching, it was self-destructive, incomprehensible nonsense . The tragedy was that she was amazing that night.

I'm sure she was right about whatever her point was. Was it children being raped by priests? I, too, am against that.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-28

She didn't do anything wrong . Church survived, and I'm sure the Catholic Church had it coming. My conviction is that other people's faith is fair game for criticism when it involves political power. When American evangelicals try to influence policy for,everyone on religious grounds, their religion becomes everybody's business.

It pisses me off that she threw it all away for one second of shock value, but maybe she didn't throw away any thing of value. In 1979, I was lead singer of a band that never played a gig. I still think we could have had a shot if we'd been smarter, luckier, and more serious, and if I hadn't fucked the bass player.

But, when I imagine myself as a rock star, I kind of suck.

In the life I actually got, I wiped another man's ass for about a year, keeping him out of the nursing home, so he could live at home. I think a lot of people must do that for people they love. Even if it's your job, there needs to be some love. It doesn't make me a Saint, but I'm proud enough to request "asswipe" on my,tombstone, if I thought I could afford one.

I sing karaoke sometime. It scratches the itch. My greatest hits are "96 Tears", Sinatra's "One For My Baby (and one for the road)", and once, during the Stones' "Beast of Burden", i surprised everyone, including myself.

CIWB - 2023-07-28

She was a hot mess, and I don’t fault her for criticizing the Catholic Church, but her rationale for tearing up the photo of the pope always seemed tacked on years later, after the Boston Globe’s story broke. If you were protesting the church covering up priest abuse, why not say so at the time instead of a decade later? She tore up a photo of the pope as a publicity stunt, nothing more.

CIWB - 2023-07-28

Upon further reading, she actually described her reasoning and linked it to the church’s abuse of children within weeks of the incident. As the Catholics would say, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

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