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Desc:Anyone else remember reading about this travesty on somethingawful forums back in the day?
Category:Educational, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:Something Awful, goons, groverhaus, loadbearing drywall, dismal swamp
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Comment count is 8
Jeriko-1 - 2023-02-07

You almost feel bad for the guy getting roasted like this but then you remember he's a piece of shit. Are there any follow ups? Does he still live there? Is he trying to sell that RL Simpsons joke on the estate market?

glasseye - 2023-02-07

I'm guessing there's a pt 2 to this story, but even this episode is supposed to live behind a paywall, so I guess it does too.

Gerhard - 2023-02-07

woo WTYPPod! small world, i was a guest on that. Guess which one! No prizes.

Sputum - 2023-02-08

never heard of this podcast, but I always enjoy old SA lore.

it would be better without all of the non-funny hosts. Justin seems pretty okay but the rest of them are trying way too hard yet fail to add anything

grimetooth - 2023-02-09

I agree that the hosts are pretty unfunny, but it can be hard to find all the lore in one place. This video seemed pretty thorough, amidst all the "jokes".

casualcollapse - 2023-02-10

How does one get their hands on the unlisted video

Crackersmack - 2023-02-11

It's how they post the Patreon subscriber episodes, which is annoying because youtube makes you keep the video on in order to hear it.

grimetooth - 2023-02-11

i found a whole playlist of these searching on youtube but maybe they unlisted em since i submitted it.

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