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Desc:Skip to 1:35. All baseball guys hate those botched robberies with a man on fifth.
Category:Sports, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:baseball, stroke, Rangers, dave barnett, not actually a stroke apparently
Submitted:Herr Matthias
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Comment count is 3
casualcollapse - 2021-12-09

This WAS a completely different inning! Ranger’s announcer Dave Barnett glitched in to another reality where the nefarious Penguin fielded a team of thugs and toadies who very nearly pulled off the greatest heist of all time. Most fans never knew the world-famous Dresden Green marquise cut Baseball Diamond was in danger. If it weren’t for one smooth quadruple play and the multifaceted offense of the Texas Rangers, the world (that Barnett briefly described at 1:38) would be a VERY different place. Thank god for the Batman and thank god for the Texas Rangers.

form the comments

casualcollapse - 2021-12-09

He was silenced for talking about the unspeakable fifth base

Gunny McRifleson - 2021-12-10

This reminded me of Serena Branson.


Turned out to be some sort of migraine. I had an ocular migraine that caused me to lose vision in one eye and barely see out of the other. Is it a stroke? Cerebral Hemorrhage? It was terrifying until I spoke to a doctor and found out the cause.

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