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Comment count is 5
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-07-15

Quite good youtube comments.. Just the bizarre elder scrolls addition makes this otherwise harrowing clip so funny.

I think I like this video more than it warrants though.. As it was the subject of the 1st genuine (and successful!) usage of a windows program I wrote that allows me to watch age restricted youtube videos..

In the EU in 2021 it is almost impossible to watch them, unless you give your *fucking real id with real name and details* to google. Which a sane person would never do in a million years.

themilkshark - 2021-07-15

Youtube is used as a pacifier by so many parents and I think the company is trying really hard not to fuck up little kids. Imagine a little kid sees this video and thinks it would be fun to try breaking glass.

casualcollapse - 2021-07-15

You should make a YouTube video about your custom solution for viewing videos in Europe and spread this knowledge around because I'm very interested in what you did and would certainly vote it to the front page here

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-07-15


So I tried a few things, and these were my results...
1. submit random ID image to google - not work
2. use various proxies like nsfwyoutube - not work
3. use media player like vlc or mpv - not work
4. use youtube downloader to download the entire video - worked, but annoying as I cant preview the video.

I'm a Unity dev, and in the course of a building a recent project I had bought and used a library for streaming YT videos in Unity. I dunno how it works, the reason I used a library is cus I didnt want to waste time trial and erroring my way through YTs inevitably shit API (anything google touches is pure shite in my experience) for a very minor feature in this project. Anyway i noticed that whatever way it works (I guess find the video file and stream it itself, tho in that case why does vlc or mpv not work for me?) it bypasses the age shit.

So I just made a little windows program where I put in url and it streams video.
I could build this OSX also, or to webGL, but it would be a bit more work, there is a note in the library saying "uuuh webGL is a bit fucky u need to do X Y and Z to get it to work."

duck&cover - 2021-07-15

It's annoying that more YouTube videos are being restricted.

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