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John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-01-07

I remember a couple of years ago, when someone streamed SWITCHBLADE SISTERS on MNR. I'd heard about it, and I was psyched to see it, but I was expecting something a lot less polished, something on the order of HG Lewis's She Devils on Wheels, but I was surprised. No irony was required. It was so good, it was good.

Back then, I only knew Jack Hill from SPIDERBABY, but one of the great things about my participation in MNR is the knowledge you pick up from searching for something tasty to host, and I've since streamed a couple of Jack Hill films myself. He's probably the most talented, competent, and professional exploitation filmmaker I can name, and his muse was Pam Grier. She did her best work with him, hands down, and that includes Tarentino.

mon666ster - 2021-01-07

Tarantino called Jack Hill America's greatest living director and he wasn't wrong.

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