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Comment count is 34
Old_Zircon - 2020-05-15

I'm glad Seth Meyers is out there saying this stuff to people who need to hear it but my god are these bland. How is TV still a thing?

themilkshark - 2020-05-15

His blandness is like aspirin for my right wing induced headaches

SolRo - 2020-05-15

I thought inferring that trump is dumber than a trained dolphin was kind of sharp.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-15

I mean, I'm glad Bland America is hearing all this, but we don't want to be Portal of Bland, right?

Two Jar Slave - 2020-05-15

You edgelords seriously didn't laugh at the mother's day card bit?

ashtar. - 2020-05-15

Jesus christ, just clips of late night tv now?
Portal of things my dad might send me.

SolRo - 2020-05-15

I kind of assumed your dad sent you anti-biden rightwing youtube clips.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-15

Here Asher is the pot calling the kettle bland

Nominal - 2020-05-16

I'm not pro Trump. I'm just anti-Biden!

I'm not pro Trump. I'm just anti-bland!

I'm not pro-Trump. I'm just a loathsome piece of shit who wants to see him win to own the libs!

ashtar. - 2020-05-16

Trump has colonized liberals brains more thoroughly than the Belgian Congo. Your can't go five minutes without thinking about him. You pour over his every dipshit utterance and stupid tweet like they were the dead sea scrolls. He is the black hole around which your universe revolves. You literally can't conceive of politics except in relationship to your hate boner daddy.

Hegemony Cricket - 2020-05-16

TBF he is the President of the United States and he says, "Super Duper Missile" while the GOP dismantles whatever checks remained to prevent him from Dead Zoning us at 3am.

But you continue exploring the endless abyss of cuntery that is you.

I'm sure that'll work out.

Two Jar Slave - 2020-05-17

People only accuse their opponents of obsessing, taking things too seriously, or otherwise thinking too hard when they have no valid points to make and have even run out of meaningful personal attacks. Take it as the concession of defeat that it always is.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-17

Five stars for Two Jar's spot-on observation.

ashtar. - 2020-05-18

"Super Duper Missile." Do you object to the military fetishism and imperialism, or the way he phrased it? Because if it's the former, I HAVE SOME NEWS FOR YOU about every other American president.

To restate for the millionth time, endless war and austerity with gay rights and abortion is better than endless war and austerity without gay rights and abortion. But they're both pretty terrible.

The fact that professional class liberals are more interested in the new "TRUMP TWEETED A DUMB THING" story every fucking day (to the extent of clogging up the main page with the TV equivalent of anti-trump minions memes), rather than actually looking at why our health care system was in permanent crisis even before covid, or why more than half of Americans can't stay home and miss a paycheck without risking homelessness, is one of the main reasons why Trump is president and why there is little pressure on the slightly better side to actually do the obvious solutions to the existential threats we face.

ashtar. - 2020-05-18

Also there's a waugh video in the hopper with six downvotes while there's a bunch of fucking Seth Meyers videos on the main page. When did this site become overrun with so many tedious banal dipshits.

SolRo - 2020-05-18

Here’s some waugh for you;

Go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit

ashtar. - 2020-05-18

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John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-19

>>>Trump has colonized liberals brains more thoroughly than the Belgian Congo. Your can't go five minutes without thinking about him. You pour over his every dipshit utterance and stupid tweet like they were the dead sea scrolls. He is the black hole around which your universe revolves. You literally can't conceive of politics except in relationship to your hate boner daddy.

Only a total dullard doesn't get this. If you don't understand why 55 per cent of America is obsessed with Trump, you don't understand very much.

HINT: It's not because "HE'S RUDE".

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-19

>>>The fact that professional class liberals are more interested in the new "TRUMP TWEETED A DUMB THING" story every fucking day (to the extent of clogging up the main page with the TV equivalent of anti-trump minions memes)...

Oh, bullshit. It's not "every fucking day". There are scores of videos on YouTube that arn't about Trump's stupid Tweets

Here's John Oliver's comprehensive discussion of "Medicare for All"


Seth Myers on Single-Payer health care.


Stephen Colbert on Trump's attempts to foil oversight.


You know I could go on and on and on. Or maybe you don't, you dion't seem to be terribly smart.

teethsalad - 2020-05-19

boo hoo hoo the inn'ernet vid'ja site isn't sufficiently apathetic enough to my liking

Hazelnut - 2020-05-19

Whoa this thread got long what did I miss? Oh it’s Asher doing his cheerleading-Trump-while-complaining-weepily-that-anyone-dare-sugg est-he’s-cheerleading-Trump routine again.

That guy really loves playing the victim - which explains his choice of idol.

ashtar. - 2020-05-19

"boo hoo hoo the inn'ernet vid'ja site isn't sufficiently apathetic enough to my liking"

1. Is that supposed to be an imitation of a redneck accent? Why? Do you associate certain regional working class accents with stupidity and backwardness? Maybe you ought to examine your your classist biases?

2. My whole point was that "resistance" libs spend massive amounts of time talking about covfefe and drink bleach stories rather than, say, covid19 rampaging through our massive incarcerated population (Biden's crime 1994 crime bill put a lot of them there, just saying), which no one seems to care about? Like, maybe the structural issues of mass incarceration, mass deportation, hollowed out healthcare and public services, and endless military adventurism the proceeded Trump (and were enthusiastically endorsed by his putative challenger) are more worthy of attention than the latest tweetstorm, and letting Trump control the news cycle and center it on himself is a big part of why he won in the first place and still maintains his approval ratings in the face of gross incompetence and corruption?

Not sure how that equates to "poetv isn't apathetic enough y'all! nascar!" but I hope yelling at the bad redneck man you made up makes you feel better.

SolRo - 2020-05-19

You don't seem to comprehend that there's a difference between mocking trump and giving him a platform.

Only diehard fascist trumpers can watch a show like this and still deny trump is an idiot.

ashtar. - 2020-05-20

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SolRo - 2020-05-20

another convincing rebuttal

Crackersmack - 2020-05-20

Hey Ashtar, stop giving a platform to the White House

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-20

>>>letting Trump control the news cycle and center it on himself is a big part of why he won in the first place and still maintains his approval ratings in the face of gross incompetence and corruption?

His approval ratings are bad. They're better than they should be, but he's always been underwater. His positive ratings have never been above 50 per cent. His negative approval ratings are always above 50 per cent. I'm not going to say that it's impossible that he'll be re-elected, but he's definitely in trouble.

And the biggest reason why he was elected was because no one, not even Trump, thought it was going to happen. That worked on his advantage in so many ways. People who assumed Hillary was going to win, but who weren't that crazy about her, didn't bother to turn out. That's not happening this time.

I don't think there's an alternative to letting Trump make himself the center of attention. He's the president, and he's a train wreck.

>>> My whole point was that "resistance" libs spend massive amounts of time talking about covfefe and drink bleach stories

Do you understand that "Covfefe" and "Drink Bleach" are two different things?

I honestly don't give a shit about "covfefe", and I never did. It's just some gibberish that he posted by accident. I do stuff like that, and Joe Biden certainly does stuff like that.

"Drink Bleach" is an example, and a relatively minor one, of Trump's proclivity to misinform and lie.

And look, politicians do not always tell the truth, all of them say things that are untrue from time to time, but Trump lies by default. Trump and Right wing media, working together, have subverted our national sense of reality.and that is not a trivial thing. Intellectual integrity is a moral value, and to abandon it completely is morally degrading.

Politifact scores for current politicians

Bernie Sanders
25 percent mostly false or false (ZERO PER CENT PANTS ON FIRE"!)

Barack Obama
23 percent mostly false, false, or "pants on fire" (1%).

Joe Biden
38 percent mostly false, false, or "pants on fire" (4%)

Donald Trump
71 per cent false, mostly false, or "pants on fire" (15%)

>>>Like, maybe the structural issues of mass incarceration, mass deportation, hollowed out healthcare and public services, and endless military adventurism the proceeded Trump

Why don't YOU talk about these things, instead of harping opn what's wrong with liberals? Submit some videos. I may vote them up.

Lef - 2020-05-15

I'm grateful for this, I would never have seen this otherwise.

Lef - 2020-05-15

also, plenty evil.

casualcollapse - 2020-05-20

I love Seth but I hate seeing him on a website when I look him up on my own every couple of days

Crackersmack - 2020-05-20

I wish I could submit POETV to the original Portal Of Evil site because the commenters there would have just shit all over you idiots and your fucking Seth Meyers and Trevor Noah clips.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-20

Well, cheer up, SugarSmack, 4chan is still around.

But what about the Prime Directive?

Crackersmack - 2020-05-20

Nobody actually followed the prime directive, you know that.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-05-20

I did not know that. You know why? Because I followed the prime directive.

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