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Desc:'You can see between the tears of his jeans that he appears to have it down his legs as well.'
Category:News & Politics, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:canada, Blackface, Trudeau, goddamnit
Submitted:Two Jar Slave
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Comment count is 15
Anaxagoras - 2019-09-20

What the fuck.

Just.... what the actual fuck.

SolRo - 2019-09-21

It’s almost like that vast majority of our ‘elite’ leadership grows up extremely sheltered and privileged.

I’m as shocked as could be by this revelation!

GravidWithHate - 2019-09-21

Trudeau the Lesser got his dad's even temper and humility; and his mom's intelligence and good judgment.

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2019-09-21

Trudeau still has more of a personality than Andrew Scheer, who I'm convinced is a Ro-Man if you disguised it, took away its interesting elements and added a mild acceptance of modern right-wing echolalia.

badideasinaction - 2019-09-21

Scheer is trying to have this both ways too - his opponent can never be forgiven or have his views change from something he did and apologized for, but his own past statements (anti-gay, anti-climate change, anti-immigrant, etc.) do not need to be apologized for and are 100% not allowed to be an indicator of his current political views, and any statements otherwise are a smear campaign.

Also Scheer's campaign manager was part of The Rebel, who themselves made a video in blackface defending blackface, yet that's also inadmissible. Funny that.

garcet71283 - 2019-09-21

And the icing on this cake would be if it’s some sort of weird sex thing for him.

Please oh please let it be a fetish.

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-09-21

I'm hoping this is a long Aristocrats joke, only before it ends we get to see him covered in shit and sucking his dad's cock.

Accidie - 2019-09-21

stars to brawndo.

The Mothership - 2019-09-21

My grandfather was a minstrel player in local theater. I have pictures of him in blackface. This was in the 40s mind, but still. The 90s is a bit late for this sort of thing, I remember my dad telling me about grandad's antics in the 80s and how it was considered bad back then.

Long story short, my family did this shit long ago, but learned not to.

It's pretty tacky.

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-09-21

Justin Trudeau is the real life version of that fake sensitive dude in There's Something About Mary.

Pillager - 2019-09-21

"Stifler, fuck! I mean, why do you gotta be so insensitive all the time?"

boner - 2019-09-21

To my knowledge French Canadians still do this sometimes. They don’t give a fuck any more than the Dutch.

Anaxagoras - 2019-09-22

Zwarte Piet (the Dutch blackface thing) is, contrary to their lame protestations, racist as hell. If you look at the history of when Zwarte Piet first appeared, and what he was characterizing/lampooning, it's 100% clear that Zwarte is a racist relic from their racist past that they don't want to come to grips with.

But what about the Quebecois' flirtation with blackface? I've read that they occasionally do it, but... does it actually come from a non-racist place? Or are they full of shit too?

gmol - 2019-09-21

It's the smile in the photos. The glee he takes with the makeup shows how the part of the brain that is worries about what other people has atrophied from a lifetime of being surrounded by yes men.

jfcaron_ca - 2019-09-23

Trudeau is super into costumes. On his official trip to India a few years ago, every press photo has him in a different sari or whatever Indian traditional wear. All the Indians are wearing suits.

I think he needs to start doing drag and Bjork-grade costumes to convince us he's not /that/ racist, he just really likes dressing up!

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