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That was entirely appropriate music.
The music is from
Oh my. I hope to never see a day wherein goatse is no longer relevant.
I love how long the one was on the screen, too.
jolly good show chaps
I spat out my tea and my monocle flew off!
The build up to it is perfect. And yes, the approved logo is horrible.
Check this. They've recognized their error, and taken goatse off the site. However, they've kept #11.
Well, at least we finally have an Olympic marketing debacle that outdoes Izzy.
It took me a minute for it to sink in, after that it was entirely worthwhile.
Whoever put that pack together has balls of thunder and a sense of humor to match.
Since everyone else commented on goatse, why the hell didn't they go with the Big Ben/Millineum Wheel design? That looked SO much better.
oh never mind, I thought it was just the one but they were all sent by viewers. I still think the Big Ben one looks better.