Binro the Heretic - 2019-07-25
When you're given a concept this silly to work with, the best thing to do is play it ultra-straight as if it were serious. This show is wonderful & terrible in its lunacy.
And this was the closest thing I could find to a SFW clip. Some of the foodgasms are pretty blatant.
Binro the Heretic - 2019-07-26 There's a scene where he feeds a girl squid tentacles pickled in honey.
You know what happens anytime tentacles & a girl are together in an anime.
Binro the Heretic - 2019-07-26 Knock yourself out.
Just remember, you were warned.
blue vein steel - 2019-07-26
anime is only kind of funny when it makes fun of itself
SolRo - 2019-07-27 counterpoint: Asobi Asobase
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