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Desc:"Emo culture" finally hits Utah. Hilarity ensues.
Category:News & Politics, Humor
Tags:emo, Utah, cutting, deepest level of the emo lifestyle, advanced emo
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Comment count is 24
enjoy - 2007-05-23

When I was a kid we called 'em Goths.

halon - 2007-05-23

I never thought I'd see a subculture that made me miss goths

karl hungus - 2007-05-23

advanced emo? I've never been so proud to be from u tah.

sosage - 2007-05-23

Aren't most of the sources for this story satire making fun of Emo kids? Journalism ahoy!

IrishWhiskey - 2009-02-11

Up next: Jemken, how to talk to your kids about this new street drug. And disturbing new studies linking badgers with mushrooms.

NoCode - 2007-05-23

Boys wear girl pants.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2007-05-23

I was more the Advanced Emo & Dragons type in high school.

1394 - 2007-05-24

I love sweeps month.

jim - 2007-05-24

oh wow. mainstream media wins again

boner - 2007-05-24

I bet someone tries to ban bracelets in school

Exegesis_Saves - 2007-05-24

I can't possibly imagine why Utah's suicide rate is so high.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-05-24

I am learning so much from Utah today.

Afgh - 2007-05-24


KnowFuture - 2007-05-24

took a long time for this fucking nonsense to make its way to Detroit, too...

garcet71283 - 2007-05-24

"Emo fashion is obvious to the eye" And they show a freaking polo shirt....

ChocFullOfFunk - 2007-05-24

He has progressed into the advanced states of a new disease psychologists are calling "Emo."

xenocide - 2007-05-24

So remember: if your kid wears long sleeves or bracelets, it's a cry for help and he wants to die.

fluffy - 2007-05-24

It is sadness. It is rage. It is pain.

jihadbaby - 2007-05-24

"Serious journalism is too time consuming. Let's just type "emo" on youtube and see what happens"

bongoprophet - 2007-05-24

"so it's better to hurt than to think?" "yeah"

raeshaldis - 2007-05-24

Why do these news stories always show the emo emu? How can they not get that that's a joke?

Hooker - 2007-05-24

Emo is just slightly less stupid than newscasters.

plaid_knight - 2007-10-07

To the news station's credit, they at least asked parents to talk to their kids instead of freaking out. This alone makes it much better than, say, fox's covering the "Anonymous" meme.

RockBolt - 2008-02-06

Don't be afraid, THEY CAN SMELL FEAR

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