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Comment count is 13
SolRo - 2018-08-13

God I hope he kills himself.

But it's all an act and I'm sure he's made more than enough money to retire comfortably if his wannabe-agitprop media "empire" implodes.

cognitivedissonance - 2018-08-13

This whole kabuki has been performed before, and the actor was named "Morton Downey Jr."

Meerkat - 2018-08-13

Yup, crying all the way to the bank.

TeenerTot - 2018-08-13

Truly a martyr.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2018-08-13

Just a reminder he's 27 years old.

kingofthenothing - 2018-08-13

He's grown a beard. We all know that a well-groomed, neatly-trimmed beard is a sign of the protagonist going through some tough times.

At this rate he'll develop a "drinking problem" and have some entertaining "rock bottom" episodes before going through conspiracy nut rehab and coming out stronger somehow.

Robin Kestrel - 2018-08-13

I recognize these words, but the way he has put them together aren’t conveying any meaning to me.

Xenocide - 2018-08-13

Yahoo Serious Festival

SexualBasalt - 2018-08-13

He looks like Arn Anderson lately. He can cut a good promo too. Book em

jaunch - 2018-08-13

Can you imagine how miserable life must be if you actually believe what he says?

Marlon Brawndo - 2018-08-13

I've met Alex Jones fans. They are mostly out of touch with reality, which I know is shocking.

He is responsible for Sandy Hook victims being threatened. I hope he cries himself all the way to a noose.

cognitivedissonance - 2018-08-14

It’s commonly held opinion that Alex narced on Bill Cooper and usurped his audience, thus starting his career. Alex might not be directly responsible for Cooper’s death, but he stood to benefit personally. Unlike Cooper, Alex is unlikely to ever take a guns blazing mentality. What Alex did was remove the alien stuff from Cooper’s conspiracy theories, which allowed for more mainstream audience, and made 9/11 islamophobia more central to the package.

Maggot Brain - 2018-08-14

Servile hippopotamuses?

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