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Comment count is 5
Binro the Heretic - 2018-03-18

There's strong evidence Vincent Van Gogh didn't commit suicide, but was murdered by that laughing asshole in the cowboy hat who liked to menace VanGogh with a pistol.

Old_Zircon - 2018-03-18

Yeah, totally unrelated to this movie (I didn't hear about it until a month ago) I went on a bit of a Van Gogh biographical kick a few months ago and I was surprised how much evidence for that had shown up in the last few years.

boner - 2018-03-18

Got to see it in a good theatre, it was really something.

Nikon - 2018-03-18

I saw this in an art film theatre with a few beers to enjoy while I watched the movie. Very nice experience.

Xenocide - 2018-03-18

"Each of the film's 65,000 frames is an oil painting on canvas, using the same technique as Van Gogh, created by a team of 125 painters."

Holy Christ. Definitely on my list now.

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