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Desc:Not an idiot, just a succinct update to reassure you that we are still completely f*#ked
Category:Science & Technology, News & Politics
Tags:fox news, Climate Change, greenman3610, Peter Sinclair
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Comment count is 14
yogarfield - 2018-01-22

Good Lord, Tucker got fat. Stop being so fat, ya big fatty.

(This fucking moron makes my skin crawl, so I immediately paused it and have nothing else to contribute to this video. His choice in neckwear still screams "I'm a fucking child", and also um, he got fat.)

So did he take over O'Reilly's spot?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2018-01-23

As Fox News careens into full Goebbels mode, you can see Shawn Hannity and Tucker Carlson descend into self-loathing, each in their own way, now that any pretense of integrity has left them. Hannity looks downright terrified in certain screen captures. His eyes say "Help me, I'm lost!"

Carlson is turning into a corpse, bloated and dead behind the eyes. i look at Tucker Carlson these days, and the first word that comes to mind is "alcohol".

yogarfield - 2018-01-23

Hannity has his e-cigs, Carlson has his his clip-on ties.

Also they are both very fat.

Anaxagoras - 2018-01-23

Huh. So *this* is how the stupids see the world? Explains a lot.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2018-01-23

The way the stupids see the world is that they're smarter than everybody else. That's kind of the key.

SolRo - 2018-01-23

Did anyone watch the video past the first 5 seconds?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2018-01-23

You should. After the first few seconds, it's scientists, and not Tucker Carlson

SolRo - 2018-01-23

I did, just reacting to the first two posters

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2018-01-23

I kind of thought so. I'm talking to the same people you're talking to.

yogarfield - 2018-01-23

I just can't be bothered. I have an irrational hatred for this man-child.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2018-01-23

I repeat: Carlson is in the first five seconds. Most of the rest of this video is scientists explaining how global warming can result in cold weather. It's actually important information, and very little Tucker Carlson after the first five seconds.

SolRo - 2018-01-23

If only it had grocery store in the title, then maybe these spastic idiots would have watched it all.

yogarfield - 2018-01-23

@JHMF That's kind of common knowledge. It's the FoxNews crowd that doesn't understand the basics of global warming, so good on them. Still not watching a clip with Fatty McPinkface, even if he's only in there for 5 seconds. It's a matter of principle.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2018-01-25

Okay, fine. Listen, if you hear a little buzzing noise, that's me, trying to make your head explode with my mind. It probably won't work. Sadly, it never does.

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