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Help keep poeTV running

And please consider not blocking ads here. They help pay for the server. Pennies at a time. Literally.

Comment count is 7
Hugo Gorilla - 2017-10-07


dairyqueenlatifah - 2017-10-07

Thank you. That was magical.

Maggot Brain - 2017-10-07


Louddetective - 2017-10-07

As soon as I read about AIM going away, I came here to see if we had a clip or if I needed to submit one. And there this was in the hopper. God bless, POETV.

Louddetective - 2017-10-07

Also, I wouldn't be married if not for AIM so there's that.

Mother Lumper - 2017-10-07

PoeTV is quickly becoming the last vestige of my pre-2000 internet days, and that's even tenuous because it's an offshoot of PoE proper.

Louddetective - 2017-10-07

Yeah, I had originally written more in my comment about how there wasn't too much overlap between my AIM days and the start of lurking on PoeTV, but then it started getting sappy and sounded like one of those "the server might turn off" threads. Long story short, PoeTV is by far the oldest internet anything I use, and it holds a very special place in my heart. Things were different when everyone was just a screenname.

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