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Comment count is 17
Caminante - 2007-05-02

Absolutely awesome the first time you saw it. The fifth time, not so much.

kthorjensen - 2007-05-02

Holy shit this looks so corny now. Wait, you're on Earth in this game?

minimalist - 2007-05-02

Wasn't the whole point of the game to PREVENT something like this from happening

Pandatronic - 2007-05-02

And in your average final battle it happens at least twice

Mayberry Pancakes - 2007-05-02

I remember going downstairs to make lunch or something when this happened

Herr Matthias - 2007-05-02

5 just for the tag "Eternal Guilty Ambition"

kicklecubicle - 2007-05-02

I remember the second time this happened- I died, and I never tried to beat Sephiroth again.

fluffy - 2007-05-02

I think the physics is lacking in realism, and the supernova sounds like a dying Atari 2600.

Dr. Lobotomy - 2007-05-02

I find it surprising he didn't do anything to Uranus

Gwago - 2008-12-30


Endoris - 2007-05-02

Twice, eh? So Jupiter survives the first fatal explosion after all?

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-05-02

This and Knights of the Round was the point at which I started to worry about Final Fantasy.

Triggerbaby - 2007-05-02

By now all mammals must instinctively know Final Fantasy is for huge queers.

Aubrey McFate - 2007-05-04

Playing FF7 is like fishing, you can take a nap and not miss anything.

athodyd - 2007-05-04

how is this even a game

sudan no1 - 2007-05-05

I was under 14 when I played this so I am excused

Twitch - 2008-07-13

It's better than the damn movie they made. Both of 'em.

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