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Comment count is 7
Bort - 2017-02-23

Told ya it would bet renewed. This exactly same thing probably happens every single year but with less drama.

chumbucket - 2017-02-23

Let's make a yearly event of this renewal scare or not.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2017-02-23

I think humans in general get a massive boner for proposed apocalypses.
One reason possibly being that you can do whatever you want with no consequences, or else continue being stalwartly upstanding to the end, and therefore enjoy massive smugness about how much social cache you will have as your final score.

Bort - 2017-02-23


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2017-02-23

I encourage everyone to link their recent submissions to the POEpocalypse tag. NEVER FORGET.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2017-02-23

Yay I get another year with the pinnacle of humanity!

Crowbot - 2017-02-24

Phew, now I can go back to lurking.

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