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Comment count is 5
Rangoon - 2017-02-22

I'm gonna miss you, Tycho. You were one of the greats.

M-DEEM - 2017-02-22

Japs makin' furniture for JAPs

Adham Nu'man - 2017-02-22

For a few months I house sitted a beach-front house built in this manner by a Canadian Architect who had studied this technique in Japan. He said all the neighbors thought he was crazy because months went by as he was "building" with no evidence of it. He was carving all of the parts so that they would fit like lego. Once the carving was done, the house was up in no time.

Anyway, it was the most beautiful house I ever lived in. I was young and in love and me and my girlfriend were very happy without a care in the world.

Now I'm old and bitter and I hate everything. Five stars.

Tycho - 2017-02-22

My first video posted and voted out of the hopper. I shall treasure this always. As the world crumbles around us, I have a speech prepared...

The Mothership - 2017-02-23

Welcome to POETV, Tycho. Join us in the houses of the slain.

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