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He's one to hair shame.
I'm impressed that they got J.K. Simmons to star in their commercial.
JK Simmons goes where he's needed. You don't call for him. He just shows up at your doorstep one day and says, "You're in need of some JK Simmons." And the moment he says, you know he's right.
Watch out Boy, I think that old beach walrus is grooming you!
I can see why this commercial is a topic of national discussion in Sweden. That woman and her daughters aren't even wearing headscarves!
Next year, inch'allah, grandpa will stone the kid to death.
I doubt it, that's his first born son! Mostly likely he'll be married off to a Salafi family by next year's heathen pine tree celebration.
he really doesn't approve of using them for anal insertion, but what the hell, it's the holidays!
What's so controversial about a heartwarming commercial about Alzheimer's?