jangbones - 2016-11-24
this should go over well
cognitivedissonance - 2016-11-24
This movie was one of the first MNR movies, and it looms like a shadow over the entire affair ever since.
Hooker - 2016-11-25
Well, I strongly disagree with this being in the best movie ever catagory.
kamlem - 2016-11-25 Please stand perfectly still while I cover you in cling wrap.
Old_Zircon - 2016-11-25 This movie was so aggravating I didn't even make any "Roy Orbison In Clingfilm" jokes when we watched it. I did think them, though.
Old_Zircon - 2016-11-25 Also I thought it was from 1992. The newer it is, the more I dislike it. Even in 1992 it would be about a decade and a half too late for the "shock" stuff to actually carry any weight, and in 1996? Give me a break.
The worst thing about it to me (other than the multiple onscreen cat murders of course) is that it's competent enough that it could have actually been good if it wasn't so damn try-hard. Part of me was actually rooting for it and it let me down big time.
baleen - 2016-11-25 I liked this movie.
Oh well.
kamlem - 2016-11-26 I corrected the mistaken release date, as it was actually released in 93.
I genuinely love this film, and plan to raise my future child this way.
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