Old_Zircon - 2016-11-10
When Trump gets a justice or two appointed they aren't going to be passing for another 20-30 years at least.
Oscar Wildcat - 2016-11-10 ..or if you happen to be brown, they may be passing in a detention center or whatever hellhole they ran away from to be here.
bawbag - 2016-11-10
shit wrong link, I thought this was poetv not r/cringeanarchy
EvilHomer - 2016-11-11 (hands bawbag a flower) These times will pass, my friend. :)
Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2016-11-11
Myron Ebell, climate change denier and lobbyist - EPA
Forrest Lucas, co-founder of Lucas Oil - Interior Secretary
Steve Bannon, editor of Breitbart - Chief of Staff
Mike McCaul, TX Representative and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee - Secretary of Homeland Security
Mike Rogers, Michigan Representative - Director of the CIA
Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan CEO - Treasury Secretary
Editor of Breitbart as CoS. LMAO you can't make this shit up and we are so fucked.
bawbag - 2016-11-11 Don't forget Farage and Palin sniffing around.
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