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Comment count is 6
Anaxagoras - 2016-06-07

"Mommy.... why did God create me without any legs?"

"Oh dear. I wanted to wait until you're older to tell you, but I guess this conversation can't be put off any longer. You see, God hates you. Hates you with every fiber of his incorporeal body. I hate to be the one to tell you, but you'd find out sooner or later. I'm so sorry."

The Mothership - 2016-06-07

Why the tree was sad?

Because..he was ugly.


Binro the Heretic - 2016-06-08

God made you deformed so he could send you to Hell later for rejoicing in the deaths of those who mocked your deformity.

baleen - 2016-06-08

Long ago there was a forest filled with many kinds of trees. There were oak, teak, banyum, jeep, japal, loki, shemp, seagal, sheep, twee, flea, mohagany, flu, gondola, balachi, chilaba, machi, wee, mee, blee, cree, jumanji, kiwi, apu, nepal, and bangh mi trees.

Rangoon - 2016-06-09

preload image

bac - 2017-04-01

is the wood cutter Jesus?

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