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Desc:A dose of SK-II a day keeps the Crazy Cat Lady in the mirror away.
Category:Business, Advertisements
Tags:China, hypergamy, sheng nu, leftover woman, SK-II
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Comment count is 3
Lef - 2016-04-11

It deserves to be here. The fact that it;s basically an ad makes it even better.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2016-04-11

Thanks to decades of short sighted female infanticide practices of peace you have something like 30 million TFL men in China who have no prospects of getting any and that worries the government.

On the other hand these women have some ridiculous requirements for their mates like a height of 5'9" which is the American equivalent of 6'4" so good luck with your dying alone goals for life.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-04-11

Leftover women? So called because when you open the door to have a look, you get a blast of frigid air and yesterdays salmon.

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