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Desc:With the naked alien chick from 'Species', Henry Gibson as a bad guy, and a subplot about furries
Category:Classic TV Clips, Humor
Tags:Furries, Guilty Pleasure, Henry Gibson, natasha henstridge
Submitted:John Holmes Motherfucker
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Comment count is 12
Old_Zircon - 2016-01-27

I don't know anything about this but the set for the opening shot is lit like the cover of a Dark Angel album.

5 for Henry Gibson.

Bort - 2016-01-27

I enjoyed this show, at least until the second season when they decided that it needs to be serious drama. The show ran on humor.

And, the humor has a pretty good batting average. A couple bits from the following episode:


38:14 - the setup on this is that DeeDee has been teaching English to a class of Icelanders, and many of them are smitten with her.

39:35 - we've all had the same question.

chumbucket - 2016-01-27

The show looks like it has the perfect intersection of real life actors and cartoon ideals.

infinite zest - 2016-01-27

I could only make it until the part where they make topical 2002 pop culture references so she can throw up the little bullet bomb and kick it down the chimney..

But then again that's a sentence I never thought I'd write; I'll bet this was a fun show to do a lot of coke and write for.

infinite zest - 2016-01-27

Natasha Henstridge was one of my first childhood crushes, since it was pretty easy to find decent screenshots from Species on alt.nets and such. If I recall it's just a couple of seconds of nude sex and then she consumes the guy. Vore went all hollywood!

That guy - 2016-01-28

I feel safe blogging with you:

I dated a girl who looked a lot like her for a little while. She looked enough like her that people were saying it to her on a weekly basis. Anyway, you'll be glad to know that she was not my type physically and that I just did it for the maintenance sex, which was hilarious because she's way the fuck out of my league. This was one of the extremely few times that a girl threw it at me for absolutely no earthly reason.

Binro the Heretic - 2016-01-27

I think this show, like "Clerks: The Animated Series" was born just a tad too early.

Had it come along after online digital entertainment was kicking into high gear, it would have had an easier time finding an audience.

Of course, I'm an unrealiable critic because I'll watch and enjoy anything with Natasha Henstridge in it. Hell, I even sat through "Ghosts of Mars." This show could suck and I would never know.

infinite zest - 2016-01-27

Hey now, Ghosts of Mars was a very underrated John Carpenter masterpiece, just like Vampires and Escape from LA!

This, I dunno. It's definitely milking the success of Charlie's Angels, which had the same self-aware humor and 3 hot chicks kicking ass but with a BIG twist: they're ex-cons, one pussyhair away from getting thrown back in jail. That's called Mod Squad. I guess that makes it original, I dunno..

chumbucket - 2016-01-28

You had me in total agreement until you hit Escape From LA. I just feel totally disappointed by something that deserved a great sequel. It says a lot that the only part I remember from that (after seeing it twice to be sure I wasn't missing something) was the surfing with Peter Fonda scene.

infinite zest - 2016-01-28

I hate hate hated Escape from LA when it came out. I was only 13 so I went with my mom; I was treating it all seriously while she was laughing her ass off, since she lived in LA for many years. Problem with NY was it wasn't sure whether it was a serious dystopian thriller or campy comedy thriller with a whole bunch of jokes only New Yorkers would get. LA definitely went the campy comedic route and the surfing scene is one of the fakest things I've ever seen. And sooooooo many cameos just hamming it up.

But I think in the end, it was the right decision to go that route, and I've learned to appreciate it a lot. Snake might be one of my favorite characters in cinema, but he was written fairly one dimensionally where the same thing happens to him again and again. Am I interested in what happened in Cleveland? Yeah, but would I want to see a movie where Snake's not on a time limit? Not really.. it's just like Terminator: Do I think the War of the Machines is interesting? Yes, but ughh Terminator 4.

So I dunno, for me anyway it was just a couple of years ago when I found it on VHS that I decided "hey this isn't so bad" and it's on Netflix, so I dunno, you might want to give it another shot if you're really bored. Or not :)

infinite zest - 2016-01-28

Oh yeah, fun fact! Did you know that Ghosts of Mars was originally written as Escape From Mars starring Kurt Russell as Snake instead of Ice Cube?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-01-30

Hey, it got out of the hopper!

This is probably the dumbest show that I ever considered, however briefly, to be my favorite. It ran locally after SNL on Saturday Nights, and it was perfect for that special, ratified hour, when I was looking for somethjjing to replace my previous weeken ritual, getting shitfaced. It wasn't always hilarious, but it was light hearted. Bort was absolutely correct, She-Spies voluntarily jettisoned everything that was special about it, to play it straight in the second season. This was especially disappointing since the first season finale promised a romantic connection between Jack and DD, my two favorite characters. But in the seconsd season premiere, Jack was gone, replaced by a conventionally sexy brooding TV spy for Cassie to flirt with, in a way that was evocative but led nowhere. It wasn't terrible, it was conventional. I think I continued to watch, but I was neither surprised nor disappointed when there was no season 3.

It may have been that a mere year after 9/11, the world wasn't receptive to an unapologetically goofy take on international espionage.

My favorite part of the show was the opening, with the kicking, the mugging, the sexy smiles, and the technopop theme, which was nothing to get excited about, but it pulled the whole thing together.

The Martini Shot was the first episode I ever saw, and I can still remember how that freewheeling opening grabbed my attention. They had me at Yo Yo Ma!

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