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Comment count is 6
infinite zest - 2015-12-05

And this is why I take the stairs.

duck&cover - 2015-12-05

He's absolutely right about the indicator placement.

namtar - 2015-12-06

He talks so fast in some places, I can't understand him.

Also, traveling to a foreign country, trespassing in a building, and fiddling with the elevators is a good way to get arrested for suspicion of terrorism.

Old_Zircon - 2015-12-06

This is apparently the test run for a series of international lift tours he's panning. I hope he doesn't end up in a Turkish prison.

Bus_Aint_Comin - 2015-12-06

love beno. he's always given me the impression that i'm hanging out with rik mayall's autistic little brother.

Old_Zircon - 2015-12-06

YES, I was trying to figure out what was so great about him and that's exactly it.

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