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Comment count is 8
fedex - 2015-11-27

but can they WRITE any songs?

Old_Zircon - 2015-11-27

Yeah this just seems like some kids who took piano lessons and had the money to get like 00+ worth of vintage synthesizers, I don't really get the appeal.

infinite zest - 2015-11-27

The original link also links to their bandcamp. I only listened to a few songs from their new EP but what I've heard is really good! Not the best synthpop I've heard recently, but the song Suitcase is definitely going to be a bike song.

Old_Zircon - 2015-11-28

Ok, if they're doing original stuff then I retract my previous post.

Old_Zircon - 2015-11-28

I'm still not into nostalgia and revivalism, though. Most of the new 80s retro synth stuff is no more interesting than something like The Stray Cats or Daddy Cool. I reserve judgement on these kids because I don't have time to listen to their originals before work and probably won't remember after.

William Burns - 2015-11-28

I found these guys while bunny-trailing off of the synth videos posted earlier this week. I've been away from the internet for a few weeks so I don't know how the "evolution of music technology" meme started; I just thought it was neat to see 15-year-olds playing 35-40 year old techno.

Anyways, these guys have a bunch original stuff on youtube and on their band camp. All of your complaints are WRONG

infinite zest - 2015-11-28

I don't really have a problem with it; it happens with punk all the time. You could put on an early Red Kross song and an early Black Lips song and I probably couldn't tell you who was who. The difference to me between Brian Setzer, Cherry Poppin Daddies and the like is that it's not necessarily a "revival" like it was with swing, it's just using a lot of the same instruments to create new stuff. There is an intentional "80s/90s" aesthetic which I believe began being popularized with Neon Indian's old band VEGA (I'm probably wrong) and Ariel Pink's side project, but that doesn't make it sound like a rip off of classic synthy 80s songs like Never Gonna Give U Up and the like, which is what the swing revival thrived on.

That guy - 2015-11-29

I hate this.

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