baleen - 2015-11-14
Of course it's already been brought up here. I didn't know that, and I wasn't even the first person to compare it to the Room.
gravelstudios - 2015-11-14
Wow. I've never heard of this movie before. The website is astounding.
Old_Zircon - 2015-11-14
New to me. Looks pretty amazing.
Old_Zircon - 2015-11-14 That is the most confusing web store I have ever seen. I hope he actually sends the damn thing.
Old_Zircon - 2015-11-14 The fact that there was no shipping charge is a bit disconcerting.
baleen - 2015-11-14 I found out about it and snagged it off of Cinnygeddon. It's very well seeded.
Old_Zircon - 2015-11-14 Really? I searched by title before I even finished watching this clip and didn't find it but my ratio's getting little low these days anyhow so probably for the best. I opted to buy Flyin' Ryan instead of torrenting, too.
baleen - 2015-11-15 Search for Road to Revenge, its original title, or check the "search description" box for Geteven.
baleen - 2015-11-15 And I'd give you more creds but my ratio is getting a bit low as well. I haven't been seeding that much the past year or so.
Old_Zircon - 2015-11-15 Not to worry, I mostly joined to share stuff butmost of it'son an old coputer I don't keep online these days. I'm still at around 1.6 but I was trying to keep it above 2. Killed it downloading a bunch of novelty golf videos for a music project last spring.
Scrimmjob - 2015-11-14
Damn that's some "Hear the Engines Roll" from Pod People level shit. I'll need to check this one out.
Old_Zircon - 2015-11-14 I was going to but I donated it to a local women's shelter instead, as the kickoff of my "donate to a local women's shelter any time I click play on an MRA video" resolution.
I'll give Joel something next paycheck.
Scrimmjob - 2015-11-16 It's a cowboy theme, there are a lot of cowboy themed EM pins out there.
StanleyPain - 2015-11-15
Holy shit....I was like "Hah, that guy looks like Wings Hauser!!"
It IS Wings Hauser.
baleen - 2015-11-15 Yeah it is, and what the fuck is he doing in this POS??
Old_Zircon - 2015-11-15 Same thing Karen Black was doing in Legend of the Roller Blade Seven?
OxygenThief - 2015-11-15
Geteven sounds like a setting in the Bible.
Jet Bin Fever - 2015-11-17
Just ordered the DVD from his website. I don't even care if it ever arrives, because I feel that this clip was worth the .
pyslexic dharmacist - 2015-11-20
Well, that escalated quickly...
...and Is that a word?
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