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Comment count is 9
Jack Dalton - 2015-09-05

Anyone who has heard of R Stevie Moore-- what's your favorite album and/or songs?

baleen - 2015-09-05

I only have a few of his albums. Phonography is good. I keep telling myself to buy more but he's kind of a commitment.

Jack Dalton - 2015-09-05

Oh! You can stream a lot of good stuff on Spotify and Apple Music! Check out Glad Music and Nevertheless Optimistic. Phonography is a
great album too. There are actually a lot of excellent compilation albums -- I literally just learned about him last week and I've been hooked.

baleen - 2015-09-05

It's a deep hole. This type of thing would usually go in 73q. There's a lot of R Stevie on there.

Jack Dalton - 2015-09-05

It's an insane rabbit hole-- but yeah, I figured this was the kind of gem that belonged on Poe proper... I'll put some of my favs on 73q.

stifford - 2015-09-05

5 stars for R Stevie

this song is great, my favorite is probably showing shadows.
other great ones

cool daddio
I like to stay home
little man
Benefit Of The Doubt
Beat Hemisphere

Jack Dalton - 2015-09-05

Nice picks-- mine are currently:
Copy me
Hobbies Galore
Why Should I Love You?
Part of the Problem
My Bad Music
I Wish I Could Sing

...I'm sure I'm missing a bunch...

Spit Spingola - 2015-09-06

The entire "Clack!" album is great. Certainly haven't listened to everything he's done, though.

chairsforcheap - 2015-09-06

this song is great... what's the pull quote from the residents? This song is so good i pull my hair out every time i hear it, and i NEVER pull out my hair

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