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Comment count is 4
Oscar Wildcat - 2015-08-24

Not exactly like what they represent in the Dodge Ram Tough commercial.

Stars are for the title.

infinite zest - 2015-08-24

Yes, stars for the title. But you'd think with that many people pulling, it would've taken just a few seconds. It wasn't as steep as this incline, but I've helped friends push their stalled cars up hill before and it's usually just the two of us and while it takes effort it's pretty smooth once you get some momentum going.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2015-08-24

IZ: Thats a very steep hill (look at the angle of the tree trunks compared to the ground) Its also very rough ground and the vehicle is badly damaged and probably not rolling very well.

A bunch of humans pulling on a single rope can concentrate surprisingly large forces. This makes tug of war with large groups one of the most potentially dangerous sport activities. Quite a few people have been killed or lost limbs to breaking ropes.


infinite zest - 2015-08-24

True. I actually live at the bottom of a hill which is steeper than this one, and have seen cars pushed up it, but it's also relatively smooth pavement, which helps a lot.

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