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Comment count is 19
EvilHomer - 2015-07-26

"the lead ing�nue of the film!"

joelkazoo - 2015-07-26

One of my fave HITB eps, as well. Surprised it wasn't here before.

Topic: Rich Evans' laugh: endearing or annoying? I say endearing.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-26

I was rewatching this this morning and I can say I would DEFINITELY pay them a dollar or two for a Flyin' Ryan commentary track that was just Rich Evans reacting to it the first time he saw it.

memedumpster - 2015-07-26

I watched the Lady Terminator, Lost in Dinosaur World, Low Blow video, and at first I was like "oh man, that laugh." By the end of it I thought it was really endearing.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-26

This is definitely the second time this month I've said it, but the Best of the Worst series really should focus a lot more on them reacting to the movie as they watch, especially Rich Evans. I don't really need to hear them talking about those kind of movies much after the fact. It's one of the rare cases where something that might qualify as a "Youtube reaction video" could actually be a good idea.

memedumpster - 2015-07-26

It's also really telling who the flinty, cynical bastard is.

Everyone else =:), :D, :O
Mike = :|, :\, :(

Aress - 2015-07-26

Rich Evans laugh renders everything stupid and inept in the universe to be powerless and small. Rich Evans laughs at your very *soul*!

StanleyPain - 2015-07-26

They have just been uploading EVERYTHING the last month. This is great because not only have the Plinkett reviews gone back up (I guess YouTube finally unlocked them or whatever?) but a lot of old gems are going back into rotation.

On a more topical note, I absolutely MUST see Flyin' Ryan with the director's commentary.
That is one of things I truly miss from my movie review writing days was when a distributor would send you some z-grade movie that was obviously shit, but yet they bothered to include a commentary track and it was the most amazing thing to listen to people dryly discuss how they made this piece of shit in a way like they were dissecting fine cinema or something.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-26

I was going to download it on CG but then I realized you can get the DVD used for like so I just went ahead and ordered it so I wouldn't screw up my ratio.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-26

"There are outtakes, screen tests, an extra song, trailer, and a commercial for shoes with wheels in the heel. The commercial is a little bizarre. It's as if they needed to make a little extra cash so they threw it in."

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-26

Incidentally, I just updated the link to Screwballs for those who wish to see Ms. Shayne's feature film debut.

StanleyPain - 2015-07-26

I'd like to see two of her film debuts if you know what I mean.

I am talking about her boobs.

chairsforcheap - 2015-07-26

i absolutely fucking love these guys

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-26

Episode 92 is going to be Pixels. I'm pretty psyched to see another Adam Sandler review from them.

chairsforcheap - 2015-07-26

oh my god.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-26

They set it up at the end of the one that just went up tonight. Which, speaking of, the episode itself is average (the movie wasn't bad enough to really get them going) but the intro is great, as well as the unnecessary Star Trek digression in the middle.

chairsforcheap - 2015-07-26

i'm always high which is a cool thing to do btw kids, there are no average episodes. i love midwestern weirdos

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-26

Average for them. They're pretty much always great but the videos where they like the movies are usually a bit less great.

Rafiki - 2015-07-27

Pretty sure Flyin Ryan is the same kid that played Stuey Gluck in Freaked.

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