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Comment count is 21
SolRo - 2015-07-08

one star because that's clearly a carp mask.

Also 73Q is where music goes.

TheOtherCapnS - 2015-07-09

That's why it's a replica...

StanleyPain - 2015-07-08

Hey Rangoon, resubmit all that Beefheart you put in the hopper to the 73Q side of the site. 73Q doesn't have a hopper or require votes, so it will all just go straight up.

BiggerJ - 2015-07-08

Since PoeTV and 73Q use the same system and PoeTV only lets each URL be submitted once ever, he may need to tweak the URL (Tweaking the URL (youtu.be instead of youtube.com might work - if it doesn't, try using https://www.youtube.com instead of http://etc.).

BiggerJ - 2015-07-13

Correction: youtu.be/(video's unique code form URL)

infinite zest - 2015-07-08

I'm gonna give this 5 stars but yeah what they said. 73Q feels like a mixtape for myself sometimes.

Scrimmjob - 2015-07-08

This album has some great tracks, but overall gives me a headache!

Syd Midnight - 2015-07-12

A lot of them are better live. I was surprised by how listenable the weirdest TMR tracks became when they were on a live album, instead of mixed together out of two thousand separate takes performed over the course of several months during which each of the musicians was fired at one point or another and not even in the band.

"I'm Going to Do What I Wanna Do" is a really good live album, and also a fair compromise between what Captain Beefheart wanted people to hear and what most people would be willing to endure.

Potrod - 2015-07-09

The few minutes of this I listened to inspired me to read the wikipedia article on him. During his musical peak it appears that he was an absolutely terrible human being, which fits perfectly with his music at least.

Rangoon - 2015-07-09

I can resubmit them later in the day. Thanks guys.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-09

Stars for Orange Claw Hammer, one of the 5 most heartbreaking songs ever recorded.

wtf japan - 2015-07-09

I listened to this for the first time coming down off a "challenging" acid experience. It was very comforting. 5 stars.

That guy - 2015-07-09

Half a dozen different people, knowing that I'm a Waits fan, have recommended this to me.

....not working for me even a little bit. It's the dogshit that used to be in the empty lot where Waits later built his Chocolate Jesus factory.

Void 71 - 2015-07-09

This album was the last squirt of freak culture. After this, all of the bored, rich white kids from Laurel Canyon stopped trying to outweird each other and started to become young upwardly mobile professionals.

Boomer The Dog - 2015-07-09

That's a shame they gave this up Void, for being professionals. I've heard other styles of music push way out and then quit though, and some of that latter day stuff can be great.

I can dig this more than some newer indie rock, the kind with extremely high voices singing, I haven't caught up with that or its production values yet and find it harder to listen to than Captain Beefheart.

That might be because I've listened to Miles Davis of this period, Sun Ra and the Arkestra and other Jazz, and contract obligation albums from other bands.


Syd Midnight - 2015-07-12

p. sure that if you met Tom Waits in a bar somewhere and told him that Don Van Vilet sucked and wasn't fit to sweep the floor behind him, Tom would not entirely agree with you and the conversation would probably take an unpleasant turn.

That guy - 2015-07-13

I have no love for Bukowski, either. I'll let him know.

Actually, from what fans say, he'd tell me to fuck off as I walked up.

Syd Midnight - 2015-07-13

Thats because Tom Waits can tell just by the way you walk whether you hate Captain Beefheart or not.

Scrimmjob - 2015-07-13

I would way sooner suggest that you give beefheart's first album a listen, and if you liked that, maybe check out the album clear spot, and then work your way towards the stranger shit.

badideasinaction - 2015-07-09

Count me one who never really got this album. Maybe I needed a few dozen more listens but nothing really came together for the method in the madness.

fedex - 2015-07-10


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