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Desc:Stinkoman (not really) is seeking a challenge!!! Only a few days left to show him 'what for'.
Category:Sports, Advertisements
Tags:crazy, martial arts, challenge
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Comment count is 8
chumbucket - 2015-06-23

5 stars by 0:05

bopeton - 2015-06-23

For a guy who can literally beat up anybody, he sure is insecure about his dick picture.

The Mothership - 2015-06-23

Oh wow, this psychosis goes deep. Great find.

spikestoyiu - 2015-06-23

Gangstalking, referencing Scientology while talking about psychiatry, etc. Fantastic.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2015-06-23

This is not someone you'd want to sit next to on a long flight.

Scrimmjob - 2015-06-23

With a shirt like that he clearly knows a thing or two about martial arts.

oddeye - 2015-06-23

Dude, the fact that he is still alive shows you all you need to know. IF he was not the best fighter man in America then hordes of marauding NAVY SEALS would have killed him many times over. Not for the money...


oddeye - 2015-06-23

I was going to pick gravity as my one fact I could absolutely trust but this guy being the top martial artist in America is too hard to pass up.

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