Jet Bin Fever - 2015-05-05
Maggot Brain - 2015-05-06
Honey, pack the kids. We're going to Branson!
I got called faggot three times this week and now I got to deal with this bull shit.
chumbucket - 2015-05-06
This crap isn't dead yet? I was in a fireworks store in South Carolina a couple of weeks ago and discovered that every redneck family member of that show has their own fireworks rockets. What haven't they marketed?
themilkshark - 2015-05-06
Boring, shitty people can be famous too!
PegLegPete - 2015-05-06
For all the exposure POE has given me over the years, I think we're really sheltered when it comes to how popular Duck Dynasty, and basically anything stereotypically-Larry The Cable Guy-Redneck is. I myself have no idea, but I'm pretty sure there's this huge culture of this stuff in a lot more places than any of us would like to believe. Anyone have any insight? Is it spreading to the less fair-skinned of us?
Cena_mark - 2015-05-06
I figure its failure is in the price of live theater. Its an expensive form of entertainment. On top of that they're asking people to pay to no even see the real Duck Dynasty cast. I think the smartest thing they can do without a TV deal is just getting into producing direct to DVD specials. Their audience is the 10$ Walmart DVD crowd, not the 90$ theater ticket one.
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-05-07
I was forced to watch a couple hours of Duck Dynasty a couple of Thanksgivings ago, and I can report that, if never seen it, it may be better than you think, and not everybody watching is a a redneck conservative. My dad likes the show, and his Democratic voting record probably goes all the way back to JFK. Its pretty funny. That said, I've never watched it agaiin.
There's nothing about a reality show's appeal that translates to the musical stage. You're going to need more than coattails to succeed. It better be good.
Binro the Heretic - 2015-05-07
Bashing gays was an act of sheer genius on their part. Interest in their "reality" show was waning, but now they have money pouring in from evangelicals who want to help them fight the gay liberal agenda.
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