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Comment count is 3
Scrimmjob - 2015-02-08

Well shit, after looking into it a little further, it turns out the Queen version came first, or at least "It's a Kind of Magic" came out in 86 while Laibach's Opus Dei came out in 87. Still sort of blew my mind, I knew no one in my real life could possibly care less, so I figured I'd sperg about it here.

Pillager - 2015-02-09

Great stuff.

infinite zest - 2015-02-14

This is awesome. I have to DJ this thing tonight and it's a bit out of my normal DJ element. Basically it's a middle school valentines day dance so I've been listening to Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus and the rest all day long and ran out of ideas so I thought I'd try 73Q. This is beyond perfect.

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