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Desc:'Let me try sticking my dick in this bee hive to see if it makes things better'
Category:News & Politics, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:cuba, USAID, destabalization, youll get freedom if you want it or not!
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Comment count is 8
Maggot Brain - 2015-01-19

Wasn't this the plot of some mid 90's Steve Martin movie?

SolRo - 2015-01-19

No clue, but this whole thing is so dumb that it wouldn't surprise me if some agency idiot actually got the idea from a movie.

Old_Zircon - 2015-01-20

This is actually the least stupid US plan to destabilize Cuba that I've heard of so far.

That's a very low bar, though.

http://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/19229/did-cia-plot -to-overthrow-fidel-castro-by-staging-the-second-coming-making-him #19231

Rafiki - 2015-01-20

I think it was the plot of The Experts.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2015-01-20

I'm a disidente and I'm here to say that Fidel Castro sucks in a major way!

Rafiki - 2015-01-20

BBBB BBBB PSH BBBB PSH BBBB BBBB *charleston bees knees*

EvilHomer - 2015-01-20

I have here in my hand a list of two-hundred-and-five Secret Liberals, who have infiltrated both Havanawood and the revolutionary leadership, with the express purpose of promoting amongst our youth such un-Cuban values as freedom, cynicism, and democracy. I urge you, Comrade Comandante, to root out and destroy these dangerous vipers, before the Communist Party is accused of being the bedfellow of international liberalism!

Hooker - 2015-01-20

America, you have to realize that the moment you can go there on vacation it will stop being a good place to go on vacation.

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