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Comment count is 8
DavidBowiesLuckyTennisBall - 2015-01-01

I remember this show as a kid, and loving it.

This is perhaps the difference between the UK and the US. The US went with Ghostbusters - let's kill the fuckers - whereas the UK tried to encourage spectres and to give them a useful role in our society.

infinite zest - 2015-01-01

To be fair, the Ghostbusters had a best friend in the cartoon series and his name was Slimer. Bad ghosts need the containment unit but the good ones can stay. Also, we had Casper. The US is Ghost Friendly too ya know :)

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2015-01-01

So, like the opposite of the Irish?

Aelric - 2015-01-02

Yeah, we got plenty of ghost friends. Like...a lot of them. Totally not Ghostist

cognitivedissonance - 2015-01-01

It's no Ghostwriter.

infinite zest - 2015-01-01

Yeah, Ghostwriter too! We were very friendly to ghosts. Except for Pac Man..

DrVital - 2015-01-02

To be fair, the ghosts in Pac-Man always came back.

Aelric - 2015-01-02

They were ghosts. Where were they gonna go?

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