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Comment count is 5
betamaxed - 2014-12-15

I'm pretty sure it's unhealthy to eat an entire shaker of salt in one sitting.

The Mothership - 2014-12-15

This pumpkin thing has been here before....

Oh yea!


infinite zest - 2014-12-15

I never knew it was an actual game so I tried playing it. I guess it's a good pedagogical tool, but unless you get nearly perfect he just walks off with a fairly sarcastic remark without tipping. Mr. Pumpkin is preparing children for a life-long career at Applebees?

EvilHomer - 2014-12-15

Food service jobs can't be outsourced, and they can't be given to illegal immigrants without revealing the company's hand. Applebees is the future of American labour. Mr Pumpkin is a pragmatic realist.

Kid Fenris - 2014-12-15

Hey, he didn't pay for any of those!

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